Ultimate Clinics for Women Matching Players

Next Clinic!
When: Sunday, December 3rd, 10:00am to 12:00pm

Where: Twin Lakes Rec Center

Who: Women Matching Players (of any level or experience)

What: A place for brand new players to try ultimate and a place for experienced players to learn more and help others!

Cost: This is free! Bring a friend!

Together, we will learn skills specific to the game, scrimmage one another, and have plenty of chances to win some ultimate swag! The clinic will be followed by a post-event brunch, location to be announced.

Please bring:

  • Soccer cleats (or tennis shoes if you don’t have them)
  • A light and a dark shirt
  • Plenty of water
  • Enthusiasm to play with other amazing people!

Women’s Scrimmage on January 19th, 2019

Great times playing with Calamity Jane players!!!

Womxn's Scrimmage January, 2019
Womxn's Scrimmage with Baby January, 2019
Women’s Scrimmage on January 13, 2019

Our most recent women’s scrimmage…27 ladies all in one place!

Womxn's Clinic January, 2019
Women’s Clinic January, 2019
Womxn's Clinic 2 January, 2019
Getting Organized!
Womxn's Clinic 3 January, 2019
In Action!

Women’s Clinic 2018 on December 1st

Womxn's Clinic 2018
Women’s Clinic 2018
Womxn's Clinic 2018 Scrimmage
Womxn's Clinic 2018 Drills
Womxn's Clinic 2018 Drills 2
Womxn's Clinic 2018 Drills 3
Reading the disc
Womxn's Clinic 2018 Scrimmage 2
Endzone Play
Womxn's Clinic 2018 Scrimmage 3
Swinging the disc